Quatrain 41

Quatrains 41-59 include the rest of the quatrains that Dashti, Forughi-Ghani, and Hedaayat agree were likely written by Khayyaam.  After the posting of 41-59, there will be a total of 43 of these "concurring quatrains" on this site (I count 43 the total number of quatrains the three are in agreement on as authentic). This is a little over 10% -- 43 of a total of 396 quatrains (Dashti. 75, Forughi-Ghani. 178, Hedaayat, 143, although Hedaayat thinks 34 of his 143 may not be "khayyaamic".

هر چند موی و روی زیباست مرا

چون لاله رخ و چو سرو بالاست مرا

معلوم نشد که در طربخانهٔ خاک

نقاش ازل بهرچه آراست مرا

har chand mui o rui zibaast maraa
chon laale rokh o cho sarv baalaast maraa
malum nashod ke dar tarabkhaane-ye khaak
naqqaash-e azal bahre che aaraast maraa

With grace and beauty though He fashioned me
With face like tulip, form like cypress tree

I know not in this pleasure house of dust,
Why Master Painter thus embellished me!

   Saidi, quatrain 62

What though 'tis fair to view, this form of man,
I know not why the heavenly Artisan
Hath set these tulip cheeks and cypress forms
To deck the mournful halls of earth's divan.

Whinfield, quatrain 12

Although I have a handsome face and colour,
Cheek like the tulips, form like the cypress,
It is not clear why the Eternal Painter
Thus tricked me out for the dusty show-booth of earth

Avery, Heath-Stubbs, quatrain 1

Translation & Discussion of the quatrain: 1. Even though my hair and face are lovely -- slight variations on the quatrain occur predominantly in this mesraa.  Hedaayat and Forughi-Ghani both have رنگ, rang, "color" instead of muy, "hair".  Forughi-Ghani also has بوی , buy, "fragrance" instead of rui, "face". In the first couplet, maraa, as discussed in Quatrain 1 on this site, shows the classical usage of the "dative" marker which here as in Quatrain 1 has a possessive use -- my hair, my face, my height or stature. 2. My face is like the tulip and my stature is like the cypress 3. It has not become clear/it is not clear or evident that in the pleasure-house of earth/earth's pleasure-house - the tarabkhaane-ye khaak ironically is not enjoyment on earth but the resting place, the destination of all of us who are here, who are beautifully created but ultimately await their destruction. And why, as the fourth mesraa  asks? 4. Why the painter of eternity embellished me/gave me these lovely qualities

FitzGerald appears not to have used the entirety or even some of this quatrain.